According to a new post on Arkham Knight’s Steam forum, that is about to change. 

Rocksteady has been gradually releasing patches for the game that have steadily improved its performance, and now a new set of updates will be coming at the end of the month that will coincide with the game being made available to buy again.

Among the major incoming fixes are the following:

Reduced frame rate hitches  Optimizations for system memory and VRAM usage  Improved performance on all GPUs (requires the latest drivers)  More Comprehensive In-Game Settings  Fixed low resolution texture bugs  Fixed hitches when running on mechanical hard drives (HDD)

Along with support for the game’s DLC, this says just about everything PC players want to hear (other than offering the entire game for free). Hopefully with this re-launch, Rocksteady can gain back some of the trust they lost, along with fewer middle fingers being aimed in their direction.