Enter PCMRating, the first site that lets users gauge the quality of a game’s technical aspects, optimization, DLC, controls, and more. It’s pretty great, especially if you want to know whether or not the PC version of a game was handled well.

Users can give their own reviews for games by choosing from several options in a number of set categories (all of which are relevant to a PC gamer’s enjoyment) and may choose to include their own description or explanation of their review in a custom field.

Reviews require users rate the following aspects of a game:

Framerate Optimization Server stability Bugs Controls Max resolution Mod support DLC Settings

The site is currently in its infancy and is being worked on by dedicated PC gamers who are open to feedback to make both the reviewing process and the site fair. If you have feedback of your own you want the site to consider, be sure to head over to the /r/PCMasterRace thread and make your voice heard. Don’t be a peasant.