Paula addressed the columnists after the occurrence and said Makiyah was an honor-move understudy and a sweet child. Paula rubbished the allegations put of her little girl that she was going to cut two young ladies.

Buzzfeed News detailed that a portion of individuals on the scene said Makiyah conveyed the blade to shield herself from two young ladies that were attempting to startle her. It is baffling to see that the police open terminated without knowing the circumstance she was in and giggled about it after the shooting as seen on the recording.

The state law permits cops to utilize lethal power in safeguard to ensure themselves or others in a basic circumstance. The case is as yet being scrutinized, as it isn’t clear if the official is blameworthy or not.

— Lacey Crisp (@LaceyCrisp) April 21, 2021

Paula has all the earmarks of being in her late 30s. In any case, her precise date of birth isn’t known. She is grieving the deficiency of her 15-year-old little girl. Numerous individuals responded to the episode through online media stages like Reddit and Twitter. Individuals communicated their dissatisfaction with the framework.

The episode occurred around the same time when George Floyd’s family at last got equity as the decision was declared in the preliminary for the killing of George Floyd.

There are relatively few disclosures on the relatives and spouse of Paula Bryant. It is realized that she had a little girl, Makiyah Bryant, who grievously lost their life because of the shooting.