Getting the first Mini Paint Star in Chateau Chanterelle is easy enough, but what about the green one you see on top of the barn? Also pretty easy, provided you have a keen eye.

First things first: Make your way through the professor’s house and out to the Princess’s house – Princess’s house being the doghouse out in the backyard.

Press A at the front of Princess’s house to slip inside, once you do so walk right and head up.

You’ll come to the area behind the barn that’s closed off from the outside (you can paint the gate to make it usable). From here you can check the two barn doors to see what’s inside, which you should definitely do.

To get to the Green Mini Paint Star you need to make sure both barn doors are closed, then get in the right position to use the Cutout ability.

Getting in the right position can take a bit to align just right. If you’re having trouble take a look at the image below to see where Mario should be standing to make the Cutout work.

Cut out the dotted line, walk on up, and voila! You now have another Mini Paint Star to add to your collection and have opened up another area.

This won’t be the last time you’re here at Chateau Chanterelle, but next time you’re here on more cryptic business. Don’t worry about that for now, just keep pushing forward with Huey and finding those Paint Stars.