The game is set to be similar to Sticker Star according to an earlier article, and that may have a large, negative impact as well. Paper Mario: Stick Star was a 3DS game meant to be similar to other Paper Mario games such as the original and The Thousand Year Door. However, it changed up the formula quite a bit compared to the other games.

While critics praised the title, fans did not. Complaints mainly stem from the combat system focusing less on RPG mechanics the series was known for and replacing them with tedious elements (like stickers required to jump on an enemy), as well as a weaker focus on story and original characters. Most fans were left unsatisfied with a lot of the stuff they loved about Paper Mario missing in a Paper Mario game. For more details, you can check out the review on Gameskinny.

There’s no doubt some people like the game trailer however,  given some reviews and positive feedback still present for Sticker Star. Likely another reason why it hasn’t gone into Metroid Prime: Federation Force level of dislikes either. You can compare the trailer of Color Splash with this:

 Whether or not this affects the game in the long run is still up for debate, as all the details about this game have yet to be revealed.

Paper Mario: Color Splash is set to release October 7th, 2016 on Wii U.